Monday, November 19, 2012

Motivational Monday!

I've been fighting off a sneaking realization for about 6 months now and today is the first day I've been able to admit it, I think I have post partum depression. I had a break down today and have decided to seek help. I don't trust anyone with my kids except me and I feel like I'm not strong enough for them.

My motivation:
In order to become stronger for my babies I have to take care of myself. Please do not judge me.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the best way to handle it. Your awesome for just saying it. It's been rough for me. I lost my mom(grandma) 2 yrs ago when my oldest was 3 mths. With everything going on I've still yet to grieve. I get very depressed and even angry for no reason. We just have to stay strong for our babies. Do what you have to do to help yourself. Never be ashamed, so many women go through this and don't talk about it. If you ever need to talk don't you can write me on here or Instagram.
