Momma's Munchkins

            Bruce Alan was born weighing 6lbs 6oz and he was 21.5 inches long at 10:34 pm. My pregnancy with Bruce was rough just like Taralyn's. I had a thyroid problem and wasn't gaining weight. I weighed 158 lbs when I got pregnant and when I gave birth at 38 weeks 4 days I weighed 162 lbs, I also tested positive for strep B, and went into preterm labor at 33 weeks. I was induced on Thursday May 24,  because I had severe pre eclampsia and hypertension.  That afternoon I was put on magnesium for the hypertension. They used cervadil, a cervical catheter, and pitocin for the induction. The cervical balloon was probably the most uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced hehe but he was so worth it!! Once that came out I was dilated to 4cm and my water broke on its own. They came in and gave me my epidural around 6 pm on Friday May 25th It didn't help at all, the amount of pressure I was feeling was too painful for words to describe, finally after 4 hours of the most intense pain I have ever felt and 27 hours after initially being induce, I had the most amazing perfect little boy in my arms!
            He is the most amazing perfect little boy in the world. I fall more and more in love with him by the day and this is where I will be posting his milestones and accomplishments!!

Taralyn Murrae was born on 9/27/2008

1 comment:

  1. Aww I knew our kids were about the same age, but I had no idea how lose they were. Dom was born may 30, 2012 and evie was born august 16, 2008. :)
