Sunday, April 13, 2014

Must Have Monday!

Now I don't know about y'all but for me the first trimester was the worst trimester. You get stuck in that awkward adjustment period which isn't helped by the hormones, changin body and constant queasiness. So here are my must haves for first trimester survival. 

1. Water. WATER. WATER. And more WATER. I got so sick of hearin this one! But it truly is crucial y'all. When you're fightin keepin anything In your tummy you gotta make sure to step up your hydration game. Take it anyway you can get it. Whether it be from from a bottle or an ice tray.

2. An extra pillow. Now with my other two babies I didn't try this trick because I thought to myself "I'm barely pregnant why would I need a pillow between my legs." I wanna go back and slap myself. Using a throw pillow from Walmart was the only thing that would kick my back and hip pain. 

3. When you're in your first tri you've got so much time to kill. In between naps and trips  to the porcelain pony that is. Baby Bump is a free app for Android and Apple. I highly recommend the pro version though. It's a great way to connect with other mommies going through the same thing as you and keep up on what's going on in your belly. 

4. Peppermint anything. Peppermint candies, peppermint tea etc. Peppermint helps calm your tummy and helps he give you a refresher after somethin doesn't agree with you. This time around my sickness was worse at night so I always had some peppermint tea on hand.

5. Unisom Sleep Tabs (doxylamine). Make sure you get the doxy one and not the depha one. This not only helps you sleep it's 110% pregnancy safe! Not to mention it kicks mornin sickness in the keester.

6. Dr.Teals Calming Bath Foam. Such a great brand. Lemme tell ya, most bath products have such a strong smell not to mention they cost a pretty penny. You can by Dr.Teals at Walmart and Target and they really work. Baths are a great way to relax and bond with the fact that you're pregnant. Just make sure the waters not hotter then hadies and baths are a pregnant woman's best friend!

There ya have it y'all my survival kit. I'm now in my second tri and still love and use this entire list! Happy & healthy 9 months to my momma to be's. Remember to stress less and love more. Till next time y'all!

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